Nurishh Animal Free

Partnering with pioneering start-up Perfect Day, Nurishh created a product containing dairy proteins, yet totally animal free. Created thanks to an innovative fermentation process that replicates the whey protein found in cow’s milk. It is a delicious tasting cream cheese spread that provides all the flavour and texture of a dairy cream cheese.

We developed the “Incredible Dairy” packaging concept and naming, bringing to life the incredible nature of the product by using bold, rich colours to bring through the indulgent taste cues. The luscious product cameos show the dairy like smooth texture of the product, whilst the key product information educate consumers on its benefits. The key challenge was to concisely and effectively communicate the complex nature of the product, whilist reassuring consumers of its delivious taste.

Get In Touch

We’re always looking for new & exciting work. For new business enquiries or to just have a chat call Chris White:

+44 (0)20 7998 6202
+44 (0)7710 236170